Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Vegetarian Experiment

I am not, nor have I ever been vegetarian. When I was pregnant with my 2nd daughter, I read a book about eating right for your blood type, during pregnancy. I am a type A so the book said I should be eating as close to vegetarian as possible but I could include poultry and fish. I felt great! I was still eating meat, in limited quantities. My Doctor expressed concern at my next appointment that my iron levels had dropped and encouraged me to eat more red meat - so I did. Also, my husband is a blood type O so he is supposed to eat a lot of meat, according to the book, and he was not at all happy with my vegetarian based Suppers.

I have been juicing fresh fruits and vegetables for a while now and it feels amazing! I get such a rush of energy and I know I am giving my body the live enzymes, vitamins and minerals it craves. My husband has jumped on board and loves the healthy juices I make. My kids like some of them, just not the green ones. I have encouraged friends and family to start juicing and quite a few are juicing regularly and loving it!

I've been a fan of Dr Joel Fuhrman ever since I saw his special on PBS. I've just started reading his book, Eat To Live, and am feeling quite excited to try out his recommendations for 6 weeks. I don't think that I could give up chicken and fish forever but I am willing to try for a little while. I am curious to see how I will feel and if I can keep my iron levels up with plant based foods. I saw a quote on facebook that really got me interested in trying a vegetarian lifestyle for a while... I can't seem to find it now but it basically talked about how we are what we eat. Plant based foods are "living" while meat is "dead". It's true, animal products in essence are dead.... hmmm makes you think... Anyway, wish me luck, I think I'm gonna need it!

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